26 January, 2014



Reflexology is a pressure point massage on the feet. It is based on the belief that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet which correspond to all glands, organs, senses and systems of the body which might be out of balance.
Reflexology is a good way to relax sore and achy feet after a long day. Reflexology can also help with a number of issues such as:
·      Improved lymphatic drainage
·      Boost the  immune system
·      Increased flexibility of feet and joints
·      Greater concentration and clarity
·      Improved circulation, especially in feet and legs
·      Stress reduction and relaxation
·      Improved mood and better sleep
·      Can helps with headaches and anxiety
·      I.B.S (irritable bowel syndrome)
·      Menstrual problems
·      Keeping you balanced through Pregnancy

So many people find that Reflexology is more beneficial than a full body massage as it is working on the body as a whole, both mind body and soul. This then giving the recipient a sense of well being and can also uplift and re-energize the body.

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