12 December, 2010

Skin Tag Removal (known as verruca filiforms, fibroepithelial polyplpapilloma or filiform warts)

A common fibrous skin condition most frequently found on the neck and face. The tags form a single or multiple distribution being made up of loose fibrous tissue. The colour is often changed and they can be hyper pigmented making them more obvious.
Skin Tags or papillomas are derived from epithelial cells. They grow like a plum on a plum tree. They often appear with a neck like a mushroom and vary in size from a tiny speck, smaller than a grain of uncooked rice, to the size of a large pea, or larger. Viral in nature and whilst not infectious they do seem to spread on individuals. Commonly found in areas of friction such as the axillae and under the breasts.
Treatment is usually from 15 –30 minutes depending on the amount to be removed. Home treatment is prescribed.

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